Beyond Wage Slavery
By Ken Coates
ISBN: 0-85124-176-X
$42.50 CLOTH
ISBN: 0-85124-177-8
11.95 PAPER
170 p.
During rencent years there has been a notable outbreak of democratic agitation, which has been noticable in the Soviet Union, in the United States and in England. While the specific debates in which this reveals itself differ in origins and subject matter, there is a strong moral affinity between the various spokesmen who have become identified with it.
The brothers Zhores and Roy Medvedev, Noam Chomsky and Tony Benn, have, in the development of this argument, earned the trust of their countrymen and encouraged the hopes of a wider world which is sick with oppression and inhumanity.
To them this is a book dedicated with profound thanks and warm affection.
Contents include: Wage Slavery, Industrial Democracy and the Quality of Life, Education as a Life-long Experience, A Lesson from Belgium, Democracy and the Environment, Needs, The Case for Consumer Democracy, Is Socialism Possible?, Socialists and the Labour Party.
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