Around the Family Table
A Comprehensive "Bencher" & Companion
for Shabbat & Festival Meals & Other Family
Occasions with Insights & Commentary
[In English & Hebrew]

By Shlomo Riskin
January 2005
Urim Publications
ISBN: 9657108616
216 pages, 6 ¼" x 9 ¼"
$19.95 Hardcover

Every Jewish family begins with our great-grandparents, Abraham and Sarah, whose faith in the God of compassion and justice inspired them to constantly welcome into their tent strangers in need of companionship and/or nourishment; every Jewish family anxiously anticipates the birth of a great-grandchild of King David who will redeem Israel and the world.

Every Jewish home was initially formed in Eden amidst the tumultuous, tempestuous rustlings of the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life; every Jewish home will eventually be perfected in Jerusalem under the fragrant protective shade of the grape vine and the fig tree. Every Jewish table, as in Jacob's dream, has its legs rooted on earth and its light-giving candelabrum extending to the spiritual, celestial, supernal realms on high.

Every Jewish family celebration experiences what was, what is, what will be; every Jewish family celebration embraces the present and touches hands with eternity, reaching out to those who are close by and reaching upward to our Parent in Heaven.


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