Architecture Decorated with Architecture
Later Medieval Temples of Karnataka, 1000 - 1300 AD

By Gerard Foekema
October 2003
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers
ISBN: 81-215-1089-9
293 pages, Illustrated with 28 Figures,
201 Plates & 1 Map, 8 3/4" x 11 ¼"
$89.50 Hardcover

This book gives a detailed analysis of architectural designs found in Indian temples built in Karnataka in the period 1000-1300 AD, and a view on the architectural features common to all sophisticated temples built in medieval architecture in an ingenious way not found elsewhere in the world, and in medieval Karnataka that special use of architecture are a complete and unabridged publication of a Ph.D. thesis submitted at Leiden University in 2003.

About the Author: Gerard Foekema (born 1943) studied physics and philosophy at the University of Amsterdam (1961-1969). Initially, the study of Indian temples was only his hobby, but after early retirement from his duties as a science administrator it became one of his goals in life and the subject of extensive field-work in India.


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