Arctic & Alpine Mycology, Volume 5
Proceedings of the Fifth International
Symposium on Arcto-Alpine MycologyEdited by Victor A. Mukhin and Henning Knudsen
Translated by Ye. Remanova & I. Goldberg
December 1998
Yekaterinburg Publishers
ISBN: 5-38464-060-9
172 pages, illustrated
$79.50 hardcover
The papers by the participants of the Fifth International Symposium on Acto-Alpine Mycology are presented in this book. They consider a wide range of questions concerning biological diversity of fungi and myxomycetes in the ecosystems of high latitudes and altitudes. Topics include fungal ecology, evolution of alpine and high latitudinal mycobiotas, and their existence under the influence of anthropogenic factors. This book is for mycologists and ecologists studying ecosytems of the Arctic, Sub-Arctic and highlands, and the problems of their conservation and rational use. Includes many black & white illustrations and color photographs.Mycology; Ecology
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