New Logic of Organizing:
Causes & Processes Of DiffusionBy Walter W. Powell
December 2001
Uppsala University Press
ISBN: 91-554-5105-5
53 pages
$25.50 paper original
The author argues that the past few decades have seen a significant transformation in the way in which work is organized, structured, and governed. The work begins with an analysis of the workplace, where jobs are becoming much less fixed and secure and project-based work more common. It turns next to a discussion of organizational boundaries, which were once thought to be relatively stable but have now become more fluid and permeable as organizations experiment with a variety of new organizational forms to access knowledge, skills, and resources. Contents include: The 'Old' System of Organizing Work. Causes and Consequences of the Reshaping of Work and Organization. A New Logic of Organizing. Flattening of Hierarchies. Spread of Networks. Cross-fertilization Across Industries. On the Scope of the Network Form: Towards Convergence or Diversity? Diffusion Across Firms. Variation Across Nations.
Economics; Business Studies
Studia Oeconomiae Negotiorum, No. 48
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