Ancient Arcadia
[In English with Some Essays in Greek]
Papers from the Norwegian Institute at Athens, No. 8
Edited by Erik Ostby
December 2005
Norwegian Institute
ISBN: 8291626251
557 pages, Illustrated, 6 7/8 x 9 1/2"
$125.00 Paper
Partial Contents:
Imports from Southern Italy.
Rural Religion.
Traces of tribal Puberty Initiation.
Woman Holding a Liver.
Temple & Sanctuary of Athena Alea at Tegea.
Topography of Ancient of Tegea.
Triad of Zeus Sorter
New Findings.
The Walls at Asea.
Lavda—the architectural remains.
Survey of the Sanctuary of Zeus.
Miniature Pottery.
Clay Figures.
Ceramic Trends in SE Arcadia.
Theatres of Roman Arcadia.
Archaeology; Ancient History
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